Community Fundraising at the CWC

Written By: Matt Pochowicz

At the Cancer Wellness Center, our major focus is put on improving the emotional and physical well-being of people that are affected by cancer, which ranges from cancer patients to families of those suffering from cancer. In making the process easier and accessible to all, the Cancer Wellness Center’s programs are offered free of charge. To be able to offer these important programs, the Center puts a major focus on fundraising efforts. These efforts take place through events put on by the center and support from outside efforts.

Recently, we have seen many people in our community step up to help support the Cancer Wellness Center. Here are some of the ways that our friends have helped to support the Center.

    • Steve Lewis and Lewis Floor and Home dedicate each June as “Cancer Wellness Center Month”. During this time period, Steve donates a portion of his sales to support the work of the Center.
    • Another form of support for the Center is through Bar and Bat Mitzvah projects. Recently, Jordyn Sheldon was able to combine something she loves and loved, tennis and her grandfather. For her Bat Mitzvah, Jordan organized tennis games at the College Park Athletic Club and collected donations for the Cancer Wellness Center in memory of her grandfather.
    • The 18 members of the Oak Park Girl Scout Troop 40879 were able to lend a hand by organizing more than 50 chemo kits for Cancer Wellness Center participants.
    • John Phillips recently helped put on a concert to celebrate him defeating cancer. John chose the Cancer Wellness Center to be the beneficiaries of the concert put on by FlashDrive.

Without the support of these people and many more, the Center would not be able to offer the services we do. We greatly appreciate those that choose to fundraise and donate to the Center.